Always present but not always well understood, they are the subject of all attention during manicure care and must be properly pampered. In order to shed light on the truth, we suggest you answer 10 questions.
1 – Can we work safely on the cuticles?
False: The cuticle is an extension of the stratum corneum of the epoonychium (skin area present upstream of the nail). It makes it possible to make the connection between the nail and the skin of the finger, it covers the free space located at their limit.
But the cuticle grows continuously and sometimes unsightly covers the surface of the nail. Thus the manicure sizes and repels the cuticles. However, they should not be damaged because if a breach is created, microorganisms could engulf them and infect the tissues surrounding the nail.
2 – Is there a lack of calcium when the nail has white spots?
False: This is the “number one” misconception about nails. The presence of white spots (or leuconychia) is in no way a sign of a lack of calcium. Perhaps this idea comes from the confusion between the color of milk and the significant presence of calcium in this food. But then…?
These white spots are due to blows to the nail blade or its matrix. Indeed, in the same way that the thick varnish of a wooden piece of furniture would be damaged if a pebble were dropped on it, keratin cracks under the effect of shock.
These anomalies are irreversible. They will disappear as the nail is removed.
3 – While the nails are solid, is their keratin the same as that of the epidermis which is flexible to it?
False: The term “keratin” includes a multitude of different proteins. Thus, in humans, 54 types of keratin have been identified. The epidermis, hair or nails have their own keratin distributions among the 54 available.
Thus, in generalization, it is common to say that the epidermis is made of soft keratin (plastic in nature, translucent and easily retaining water) and that hair and nails are made of hard keratin (more compact, more resistant and yellow in color).
4 – On the same hand, do the nails all grow at the same speed?
False: On the same hand, the speed of growth varies according to the fingers. On average the nails grow by 0.10 mm per day or 3 to 4 mm per month. However, the nail of the middle finger grows faster than those of the other fingers. The slowest is that of the ring finger.
5 – Do nails grow faster in case of a full moon?
False: Second misconception, after several studies, no link is proven between periods of full moon and the activation of nail or hair growth. This is a belief based on the power of attraction that the moon can have on the oceans. C
however, it has been measured that nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
We recommend that you use the adequate manicure and pedicure set to take care of your nails before applying any kind of decoration.
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