For a natural result and a harmonious manicure, it is important to carefully choose the size of the capsules that will be glued to each nail. But, how to choose the right capsules? Keep reading, Maryton Nail Supply will give you answers.
The size of the capsule should be the same width as the natural nail. If none of your caps match your client’s nail size perfectly, you will need to choose a slightly larger cap and file it to fit. This will give you the guarantee of properly covering your break points.
Warning: never choose a capsule smaller than the size of the natural nail, this could cause detachment or breakage in the stress area.
There are different sizes of capsules, capsules with large and small notches. To choose the right size and get an overview, do not hesitate to successively place different capsule sizes on your client’s nail, until you find the most suitable width.
Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I recommend investing in some manicure sets to care for your nails.
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